The Thanksgiving Post
Thanksgiving is often seen as a time for family and food. It is also a time for reflection. In a world that always seems so far off from what we know it can be it is good to reflect. The reason we often look at the bad in the world is because we have seen so much better somewhere else. We measure that against what we see elsewhere. Disconnected from the profound compassion of many often leads us to focus on the negative of the few. Thanksgiving is a good time to just be thankful.
I, for one, have plenty to be thankful for. I am thankful for a group of individuals that have come together to form a family. I am thankful for a group of individuals that have come together to reach their goals. I am thankful for a group of individuals that have given me the ability to pursue my dreams. I am thankful for a group of individuals that helped me (and continue to help me) cope with the loss of my father. I am thankful for a group of individuals that have become one. A group of individuals that can be called the 410 family. One cohesive and wildly entertaining family.
I am thankful for all of you. For getting up early or for coming in after a day’s work. For complaining about how hard the workouts are or for saying they look easy and then complaining about how wrong you were (my favorite). If I may, I would now like to go through each member that has been here for over a year and specifically thank them for putting up with me and staying committed to the process… and to me. It doesn’t go unnoticed and it is most certainly appreciated. I guess what I am saying is thank you.
In order of tenure:
Marcie – Thank you for letting me follow my dreams. I guess it isn’t so much letting as it is supporting. You are the reason we are still open. When life was kicking me around a bit you stood by me and this gym and reminded me what it means to others and what you knew it meant to me. This gym needs you and of course I would be lost without you. Also, thanks for being a wife and all of the things that come with that.
Stephanie (7/2013 Park) – Thanks for so many things. You have been a great friend and a vital part of our success as a gym. You get others to do things that they may not think they can. With that you are also very supportive of those that aren’t up to trying something just yet. Also, thanks for being my wife’s best friend and all of the things that come with that.
Jason (7/2013 Park) – Big bro. Thanks for making the trip to workout with us. It has been amazing to see you grow and I hope you can continue now that you have moved even further away. Also, thanks for being a brother and all of the things that come with that.
Chris (7/2013 Park) – First, thank you for being a first responder. Secondly, for being a great friend. From the first park workout when you stayed and helped clean up to our recent California trip where you put up with Marcie (and sometimes me). You are one of a kind.
Robbie (8/2013 Park) – I am thankful for all of your one liners that show off the 410 families desire to get fit but not take it too seriously. You make classes fun and also give a good push when Rocky comes on.
Mike (8/2013 Park) – Thank you for being the voice of reason. You may find that funny but it seems that you always have a good response to my qualms. You word things in a way that usually ends with me saying that makes sense. I have learned a lot from everyone that has come through the gym but there are some that have taught me a bit more. More about myself and more about the world. You certainly have taught me a lot.
Jeff (8/2013 Park) – Thanks for being the father of the family. You are always offering to pick folks up or offering to make a coffee run. Of course, you always offer free fashion advice. Even unsolicited. You have been one of the most supportive over the years and for that I thank you.
Ian (8/2013 Park) – First, thank you for being a first responder. Secondly, thanks for your guidance over the years. If Mike is the spoken voice of reason then you are the unspoken voice of reason. Without saying many words you have taught me a lot.
Ryan 8/2013 Pre Grand Opening) – I thank you for always being a good sport. You do some crazy things and take a lot of jokes, which makes for a more open and fun environment. Background on Ryan’s journey. Ryan started out telling me he was only doing a 10 class pass because he didn’t want to lose his running. Then he committed to a membership the next day but never tracked results because he just wanted to get a work out. Now, he spends what I think is half of his day logging workouts and tracking food. A lot of gains and a great testament to hard work and trusting the process.
Vanessa (9/2013) – Thanks for always showing up with a smile. I have never known you to have a bad day. You joined us while you were still a sophomore in college and over the years we have gotten to see you grow as an individual. Always keeping the same positive outlook on life.
Kristen (3/2014) – Thanks for always exploring. You are always finding new things to try and that only helps the rest of us have more options. It is great to have people so engaged that they spend their own personal time researching. Just don’t research other gyms. Also, you have a contagious joy about you that you should never lose.
Terri (6/2014) – Thank you for more than you may know. You are a great person and a great friend. Reaching out to me after my fathers WOD really meant a lot to me. Also, the amount of help you give to others at the gym is much appreciated. I’ve learned a lot from you by watching your interactions and I am truly thankful for that experience.
Abdul (7/2014) – I am thankful for the way you get others excited. It is a different place when you are in the gym yelling and getting fired up. Keep up the passion and energy wherever you land now that you are a Doctor.
Dan O (11/2014) – Your drive and commitment. Literally. Not many know this but Dan comes from Westminster to throw down with us. He has made tremendous strides in all facets of his fitness.
John K (1/2015) – I am thankful for your light hearted and positive attitude. I have never seen a person so calmly look very angry over a missed lift. That may not make sense unless you know John.
Sam S (1/2015) – For committing to me and then not and then committing again. But seriously, you are a silent leader. And I thank you for giving others a lead by example person to look to.
Faye (3/2015) – I thank you for all you do to be with us and for what that shows about how much you care for the 410 family. You Uber here from Canton even though there are several gyms along your route to us. You must really love us.
Ryan and Michelle (6/2015) – Our longest tenured couple. Thanks for putting in work together and for pushing each other. You both have come a long way and really embody what we are about. Now that the wedding is around the corner you have a big family to invite. Just kidding 😉.
Micaela (6/2015) – Thanks for coming on time. Kidding… Your strength is an inspiration to others. You do some pretty awesome things with the power lifts and it is motivational to others. When is the powerlifting meet?
Connor (7/2015) – Thanks for always being open to help. Whether it was watching the gym when I didn’t have any coaches or just giving guidance in large classes. It is a big help to have someone with experience AND the desire to help.
Elizabeth (7/2015) – Thank you for being easy to coach. Coming in with an injury and knowing where your limits are. Knowing when you can push and when you need to scale and taking advice. You have always been ready to learn.
Reagan (9/2015) – Thank you for being you. Most of what you need to know about people can be learned by how they interact with others. You have a hard shell but I know you are full of love for others. You can’t fool me.
Kris (10/2015) – Thank you for being a fun loving guy. Super easy to talk to and very welcoming to new comers. It took you a minute to open up to us. You are an awesome guy as long as no one calls you Nancy.
Angelo (10/2015) – Thanks for being real. I know I can always get an honest answer from you and any family needs someone like that. Also, the way you pushed yourself in 16.5 is something that legends are made of. Legends.
Gianna (11/2015) – Thanks for brightening up the room. You may not think it but the gym gets a bit more life when you are in class. It is more chatty and generally more… alive. Also, thank you for staying with us after you moved out of the area.
I thank all of you for being on this journey with me. I am one step closer to making this my full-time gig (one week). Because of all of you I can look back at all of the lives we have affected through this gym. With that in mind, we can look forward to all of the good we can do in the future.