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2017 Open Prep – Can Ostroski Change the Schedule One More Damn Time?
By Grace Ostroski, Editor in Chief
February 19, 2017
3. 2. 1. Time. And just like that the 2016 Open season was over. After 16.5 our team caught up with some of the 410 athletes. Following a gutty performance Angelo Cangiablahblah says, “I didn’t want it to end. So, I just took my time. Did it look like I was dying? Maybe. But did I? I’ll let you decide.”
“I just can’t believe there were muscle ups this year,” said John Zenk. “I doubt they will be in the Open next year so I am going to spend 2017 avoiding them.” Sounds like a good plan.
2016 was full of surprises and as we look to 2018 there is no shortage of intrigue. We just must get through 2017 first.
Quite possibly the biggest story most realistic story heading into 17.1 is the battle between Gianna Rico and Faye Whiteman. Rico aims to defeat Whiteman in what should be a stellar matchup. “My plan is to pick her up 5 minutes late and then actually pick her up 10 minutes late,” says Rico. Whiteman was unavailable for comment.
Last year’s top five guys will be back except for Zenk who will be cutting trees with extreme loggers on A&E’s new hit show, Stoned Loggers. True story. This sets up new-comer, Stephen Salas, to be the favorite heading into 17.1. “I just hope like hell that my strings hold up on my new sweater. I can’t have one of them go down mid-WOD.” Ryan Carver overhears this and yells, “No shirts bro. No shirts.” Carver proceeds to yell something inaudible, smacks himself in the face and does a triple bodyweight Turkish get up for time. 410 is intense this time around.
On the ladies’ side we look for a fierce battle at the top. Longtime 410’er and first time competitor Terri Huffman will make her debut. “I actually don’t even want to do the Open. Like at all” says Huffman with a sarcastic laugh. “But my *explicit* coach signed me up so, yea. I will squeeze in the WOD after climbing for 8 hours and doing like 400 burpees.”
Stephanie Geer-Turner has two last names and she hopes that is enough to propel her to the top. “I picked two last names because my Shamon told me it gets rid of parasites and makes me stronger. I will do just about anything if it will make me stronger.” Geer-Turner wondered off mid-way through our interview to chase a butterfly so we were unable to get more information.
Regardless, the 2017 season should be fantastic. Four-time competitor, Jason Ostroski, said, “I just love the Open. It is the perfect time to up your intensity level to 70 and sometimes even 80%. Something I don’t recommend on the regular, for sure.”