Another Open Full of Smiles

By: Gary Ostroski
And just like that another CrossFit Open has come and gone. Most would say that this year’s had a different feel but most things change over time. What didn’t change was the support the community gave to each other and the awesome accomplishments. From first bar muscle ups to first pullups we saw a lot of awesome personal achievement.
The Open brings that out of us. We tap into a sense of pride with the 410 community as we see everyone push themselves to the limit and offer up genuine support. So, while The Open has changed I would say that the overall purpose of bringing the community together has stayed the same.
Transitioning out of The Open mindset is always a bit of a process. For 5 weeks we were telling you to ignore stimulus and go for personal bests and feel good moments. As long as you could safely do a movement we wanted you to do your best with that even if the intensity went down. Some of the reps weren’t the prettiest and we weren’t necessarily getting fitter but we were forging elite community.
As we move on from The Open it is important to remember that what we do in class the other 360 days out of the year is to develop general physical preparedness. So, we want to dial back the weight and only move onto more challenging movements when we have demonstrated the ability to do quality reps with limited errors.
If you miss The Open already, fear not. Due to the many changes in the schedule CrossFit will be having another Open in October. This is a one year thing since they have made some changes to how they are lining up the year. So, after this October Open we will then look for The Open to be in October every year and only in October.
Really awesome work by everyone this year. Saturday was a great cap off too!