Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of: 15 V-UPs 10 DB Deadlifts 10 DB Snatches Rest 2:00 Finisher – Assault Bike Tabata
Workout of the Day
WOD 3/11/20

STRENGTH5 Sets (10 Minutes Total)::30 Seconds Ring Body Saw:30 Seconds Rest:30 Seconds Hip Extension Hold:30 Seconds Rest CONDITIONING (Cap 20:00)For Time:1500 Meter Row100 Double Unders50 Calorie Assault Bike100 Double Unders1500 Meter Row
GoFIT 3/11/20
(Cap 16:00)1000 Meter Row 100 Jump Rope 50 Burpees 100 Jump Rope 1000 Meter Row
WOD 3/10/20

STRENGTH On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:3-Position Power Clean3 Push Jerks Set 1: 50%Set 2: 55%Set 3: 60%Set 4-5: 60-65% CONDITIONINGAscending Ladder for 7 Minutes:3 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 3 Toes to Bar6 Clean and Jerks (135/95), 6 Toes to… Read more »
GoFIT 2/29/20
5 Rounds of: 5 Push Ups 10 Ring Rows 15 Air Squats 20 Sit Ups 1:30 Rest
WOD 2/28/20

STRENGTH3 Giant Sets:8 BB Good Morning16 Psoas March Steps (8 Each Leg)1:00 Flutter Kicks CONDITIONING“Wise Men”AMRAP 3:Max Rounds of Macho Man (135/95) Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP 3:Max Rounds of Macho Man (155/105) Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP 3:Max Rounds of Macho… Read more »
GoFIT 2/28/20
AMRAP 14 60 Jump Rope 40 Sit Up 30 Lunges 20 Push Ups
GoFIT 2/26/20
2 Rounds of: (Cap 17:00) 20 DB Push Presses 30 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups 40 Burpees 50/35 Calorie Row
WOD 2/26/20

STRENGTHOn the Minute x 7:ThrustersMinute 1: 115/85Minute 2: 135/95Minute 3: 155/105Minute 4: 155/105Minute 5: 155/105Minute 6: 135/95Minute 7: 115/85 CONDITIONING (Cap 22:00)2 Rounds For Time:20 Push Presses (115/85)30 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups40 Burpees50/35 Calorie Row Dumbbell: 50/35Box: 24″/20″
WOD 2/25/20

STRENGTHOn the 1:30 x 5 Sets:1 Set of Strict Handstand Push-ups CONDITIONING (Cap 20:00)5 Rounds:9 Toes to Bar15 Wallballs (20/14) Directly Into… 5 Rounds:9 Power Snatches (75/55)15 Overhead Squats (75/55)