AMRAP 13: Buy-In: 1,000M Row Directly Into… 5 KB Deadlifts 15 AbMat Sit-ups 25 Double Unders
Workout of the Day
GoFIT 2/22/20
4 Rounds: 2:00 Calorie Row 1:00 Burpees 1:00 KB Deadlifts
GoFIT 2/21/20
7 Rounds of: (Cap 16:00) 6 Burpees 9 Push Ups 12 Ring Rows 21 DB Thrusters
WOD 2/21/20
CONDITIONINGTeams of 34 Rounds:4:00 Calorie Row3:00 Lateral Barbell Burpees2:00 Deadlifts (225/155) No Rest Between Rounds
WOD 2/20/20

STRENGTH15 Rep Max Deadlift CONDITIONING AMRAP 20:15 Calorie Machine30 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)60 Second Hollow Hold (Accumulated)
GoFIT 2/20/20
AMRAP 15: 15 Calorie Machine 30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 60 Second Hollow Hold (Accumulated)
WOD 2/19/20

STRENGTH3 sets of:ME Handstand Push Up20 Weighted Sit UpsRest 1:30 CONDITIONINGAMRAP 20:20 Wallballs (20/14)20 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches (50/35)20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)20 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (50/35)20/15 Calorie Row
GoFIT 2/19/20
AMRAP 15: 20 Wallballs 20 Alternating Single Arm Power Snatches 20 Weighted Box Step Ups 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses
WOD 2/18/20

STRENGTH3 Giant Sets:7 Single Arm Tempo Kettlebell Deadlifts (Left)15 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups7 Single Arm Tempo Kettlebell Deadlifts (Right):15-30 Second Ring Plank HoldRest As Needed Between Sets CONDITIONING8 Rounds:20 Seconds On10 Seconds Off Strict Pull-upsAssault Bike CaloriesStrict Handstand Push-upsAssault Bike Calories
GoFIT 2/18/20
8 Rounds: 20 Seconds On 10 Seconds Off Double DB Row Row Calories Pike Handstand Push-ups Row Calories