AMRAP 12: 8 Burpees 15 Air Squats 50 Jump Rope
Workout of the Day
WOD 2/10/20

STRENGTHBack SquatOn the 0: 9 Reps @ 70%On the 2: 7 Reps @ 77%On the 4: 5 Reps @ 84%On the 6: 3 Reps @ 89%On the 8: 1 Rep @ 96%On the 9: 1 Rep @ 99%On the 10:… Read more »
GoFIT 2/8/20
4 Rounds of: 1 Minute Calorie Row or Bike 1 Minute DB Power Cleans 1 Minute Burpees 1 Minute Rest
WOD 2/7/20

STRENGTHSnatch Balance Complex (On the 0:00…)On the 1:30 x 4 Sets:1 Snatch Balance1 Pausing Overhead Squat CONDITIONINGAMRAP 15:60 Double Unders20 Toes to Bar10 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95)
GoFIT 2/7/20
AMRAP 15: 100 Jump Rope 20 Sit Ups 20 DB Snatches
WOD 2/6/20

STRENGTH15:00 To Find a 1RM Snatch or Clean and Jerk CONDITIONING (Cap 15:00)21-15-9-15-21:Calorie Assault BikeKettlebell Swings (53/35)Push-ups
GoFIT 2/6/20
Cap 15:00 21-15-9-15-21: Calorie Row Kettlebell Swings Push-ups
WOD 2/5/20

CONDITIONINGAMRAP 5:200’ Walking Lunge (No Weight)50 AbMat Sit-upsMax Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 5:100’ Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (50/35)50 AbMat Sit-upsMax Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 5:200’ Walking Lunge (No Weight)50 AbMat Sit-upsMax Calorie Row
GoFIT 2/5/20
AMRAP 4: 100’ Walking Lunge 50 AbMat Sit-ups Max Jump Rope Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 4: 100’ Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50 AbMat Sit-ups Max Jump Rope Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 4: 100’ Walking Lunge 50 AbMat Sit-ups Max Jump… Read more »
GoFIT 2/4/20
AMRAP 15: Buy-In: 2000 Meter Row Max Rounds in Time Remaining: 8 Burpee Box Jumps 16 Double DB Row