Do I need experience or some minimum level of fitness?
No! Just get started. Our workouts and exercises scale to any level – from broomsticks to barbells, we’ll tailor the workout to your ability.
Is it worth it?
We definitely would say it is worth it, but we are a little biased. The only person who can truly tell you if it is worth it, is you. The only way you can objectively know is to show up and participate in a workout.
Do I need to be in shape before I show up?
Absolutely not! We have students who are in the 99th percentile of fitness and those in the 5th percentile of fitness. You are pushed and encouraged based on your current level of fitness. All we want is for you to give your best effort during each workout.
What type of results can I expect?
Although you will probably start feeling better and stronger immediately, new students can expect about a 15-20% improvement in strength and endurance following the first fifteen sessions. In addition, our findings show that flexibility, agility and body composition are improved. Subjective things like increased mental toughness, energy levels, improved sleep and reduced joint stiffness are also reported. Most of our students are shocked at their improvements even though they would consider themselves exercisers before starting functional strength & conditioning classes.
What if I don’t have time for this?
It is a common sentiment to feel that, due to the obligations of career and family, you don’t have the time to become as fit as you might like. Here’s the good news: world class, age-group strength and conditioning is obtainable through an hour a day six days per week of training. It turns out that the intensity of training that optimizes physical conditioning is not sustainable past forty-five minutes to an hour. Athletes that train for hours a day are developing skill or training for sports that include adaptations inconsistent with elite strength and conditioning. Past one hour, more is not better!
What type of exercises do you do?
The clean and jerk, snatch, squat, deadlift, push-press, bench-press, as well as bodyweight movements such as push-ups, sit ups, squats, and pull-ups. No exercise machines here!