Nathalie Cone

What year did you start CrossFitting?
2011. I took a break in 2015 when I was pregnant with my son and began training at 410 CrossFit in 2016.

Why did you get into fitness (and CrossFit)?
Growing up, anything fitness related seemed dreadful. In my mid-twenties, however, something clicked and I began to take my health seriously. I ran a few 5ks and attended dozens of yoga classes with some friends, but eventually decided I wanted to pack on some muscle. I followed Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program for several months, and while my numbers did go up, I was missing something: community and accountability. I signed up at the closest CrossFit gym I could find and began a journey that has profoundly changed my life.

I do CrossFit not only to feel stronger and look better, but the level of physical and mental self-confidence it gives me is unmatched. It takes me well outside of my comfort zone and reminds me that if I can crush it at the gym, I can crush it at life.

Why did you become a trainer?
Meeting my own personal goals has been rewarding, but I’ve discovered that helping others do the same brings me an even greater sense of satisfaction. I want to join members where they are—exactly as they are—and be a guide on their journey as they work towards a healthier and more active lifestyle. Coaching comes with a lot of teaching, seeing and correcting, but my number one goal is to listen.

What’s your favorite CrossFit movement?

What is your favorite cheat food?
Does the entire breakfast carbs category count? French toast, pancakes, bagels…mmm.

What’s your favorite Superhero and why?
I used to be obsessed with Sailor Mercury when I was into anime. She’s quiet, introspective and friendly, but that doesn’t mean she’s weak or spineless. As the story progresses, she becomes stronger and more confident in herself and her abilities, which I have always found inspiring.

•    CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
•    CrossFit Weightlifting
•    CPR/AED