410 CrossFit Summer Challenge

We are proud to launch a new style of lifestyle challenge for the summer of 2018 that is open to members and non-members at no charge. Our summer challenge will focus on getting you into a good routine.
When does it start: The challenge will officially start on July 9th. It will last 3 weeks ending on July 29th. Register by signing up at the gym or emailing one of the addresses at the bottom of this post.
Who can participate: Anyone. Literally. We are encouraging members to pair up with a non-member. The non-member gets the three weeks for free. They can attend 410 CrossFit for no charge during the three weeks. If you don’t know a member you are still invited. Just reach out to us via email. If you have a partner great. If not we will pair you with someone and you can come in for the three weeks at no charge.
Ok, What do I have to do: In short, look at your lifestyle and see what types of changes you can make. The part where accountability comes in is we hope you will document a few things. 1) Hours of sleep 2) Ounces of water 3) Days and hours per day you work out 4) Your diet. However, this is not required. The great part about this challenge is the more you record the more help our coaches can give back to you. Turn in a journal via email or print out each week and receive free, personalized advice back from one of our coaches. How much you do is strictly up to you. There are no winners or losers. The goal here is to get you thinking about ways to live a healthier lifestyle during a time when folks tend to get into a summer routine of cookouts and happy hours.
How it will work: Nothing to complex here. No weigh in. No score sheet. The coaches will be a resource not officials. If you turn in a detailed log you will get a few pointers back. We will also have some pointers that you can follow if you would like that will be released prior to the kick off date. We will do a workout on Monday the 9th. We will do that same workout again on Monday the 30th. This will be our only gauge to see how the challenge went. You can do anything else on your own that you think is beneficial. Like we stated earlier, this is NOT a competition. This is more of a reflection.
Why are we doing this: First, we love group challenges. Partnering with a friend has given some of the best results. We also think this will be a great way to showcase how our strong and supportive community coupled with our skilled coaches can deliver you the results you want.
If you have any questions feel free to email one of our full time coaches. Gary@410crossfit.com and/or sam@410crossfit.com
I am a friend of Bari Fore.
I would like to try the 3 week challenge.
I would like to do the 3 week challenge
I would like to give 410 a try
410 challenge
I am interested in the summer challenge. New to CrossFit and not a member. I am hopeful my this will give me insight on how CrossFit works and encourage me to join.
I’m interested in your challenge, I’m a non member. I look forward to working out with you all.
I used to be a member at 410 crossfit which I love every moment I had the chance to workout there. i am motivated and gonna love this three weeks challenge. What do I have to do to enroll?
I’d like to participate in the 410 CrossFit Summer Challenge.
Me and the wife are very interested in the three week challenge.
Let’s do this!